S.Y.L.A.SHARES have a nominal value of min. € 25,00. Interested parties can order S.Y.L.A.SHARES via email.


§1 Contract Subject

§1.1 The possession and/or acquisition of S.Y.L.A.SHARES, confers no claim to the owner for S.Y.L.A.H.Q. valuables, works of the collection, inventory or premises. The only property claim conferred is for S.Y.L.A.SHARE No. . . . . . . .

§1.2 S.Y.L.A.H.Q. is managed and represented by DEMECO & PASQUALE, as author and administrator.

§2 Copyright

§2.1 This S.Y.L.A.SHARE is protected by copyright. Any form of exploitation - with the exception of resale - requires the written consent of S.Y.L.A.H.Q.

§2.2 S.Y.L.A.H.Q. has the right to borrow the work for exhibition purposes.

§2.3 In case of resale of this S.Y.L.A.SHARE, the name of the new owner must be communicated immediately. If the proceeds from the sale exceed € 55.00, then 5% of the proceeds must be paid to S.Y.L.A.H.Q.

§3 Means of Exchange

S.Y.L.A.H.Q. accepts S.Y.L.A.SHARES as a pro rata means of exchange (20%) for art.

§4 Amendments to the Agreement

§4.1 The current agreement provisions apply at the time of purchase. Amendments to the provisions shall be communicated in writing and shall enter into force immediately.

$4.2 In the event of changes to the agreement provisions the owner has the right to withdraw from the agreements on condition that the S.Y.L.A.SHARE be returned to S.Y.L.A.H.Q. The value entered at the time of purchase will be paid out.

§5 Final Provisions

Paragraphs 1 to 4 shall apply, taking into account the freedom of art as set forth in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, Art. 5, Paragraph 3.

1st Edition 555 + 55 Special Editions + 5 Artists Editions